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Preparing For Laser Hair Removal

Preparing For Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal offers extended periods of hair-free skin without the need to wax or shave. Laser hair removal targets hair follicles and strategically damages them by using pulses of light converted to heat energy. This heat travels down the root of the hair to the follicle, burning away the hair that is currently there and reducing the follicle’s ability to produce future hairs. Laser hair removal will take several sessions depending on the area of treatment, the amount and thickness of the hair, and how well you prepare for each treatment. Considering the following recommendations before your laser hair removal treatment can help you achieve the best results and experience minimal discomfort.

Steps To Take Before Laser Hair Removal

Because laser hair removal uses light energy converted into heat, this treatment burns hair away. While this isn’t particularly painful when the hairs are short, longer hairs can cause more heat on the skin and can be more painful to remove. Shaving before your laser hair removal will make the process more comfortable while also delivering better results.

Don’t Pluck Or Wax
Although it is beneficial for the hair to be short before laser hair removal treatment, the root of the hair still needs to be intact. In order for laser hair therapy to strategically damage the hair follicle and prevent future hair from growing there, heat needs to transfer down the root of the hair. If you wax or pluck before your treatment, the root of the hair will be missing, the hair follicle will not receive enough heat, and the treatment will not work as well.

Remove Makeup And Creams
Right before your laser hair removal treatment, remove any makeup or creams including moisturizer, ointments, deodorants, or anything else that has been used on the skin. Simply clean these off with soap and warm water before treatment. By cleansing your skin, you will increase the laser's ability to affect your hair and you will help decrease the risk of skin irritation.

Don’t Bleach
Although some forms of laser hair removal such as the PrimeLase work on all colours of hair, it is always easiest for laser hair removal to target dark hair. Stop bleaching hair on the treatment area about 6 weeks prior to treatment to have the root of your hair as dark as possible.

Avoid UV Rays
Keeping your treatment area out of the sun and not using tanning beds for two weeks leading up to your surgery will help increase comfort during laser hair removal. Although some new forms of laser hair removal have systems in place to help reduce discomfort, it is best to keep the treatment area protected from UV rays to reduce potential skin sensitivity.

Discuss Your Medications
Although you won’t need to go off of any medications, the skin care professional administering your laser hair removal will need to know if you are taking any blood thinners, birth control, acne medication, or topical creams, as these may make your skin more sensitive. By informing the person administering laser hair removal, they can adjust the laser hair removal treatment to better accommodate you and be gentler on your skin.

Laser Hair Removal In Calgary

Although there are steps you can take to help you get the most comfortable and effective results, there are some laser hair removal technologies that can create a better experience than others. At Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic in Calgary, we use PrimeLase to ensure your laser hair removal is comfortable while delivering ideal results. The PrimeLase uses a high-powered diode laser to make the process faster, safer, more precise, and more comfortable to deliver maximum results and reduce the number of sessions needed to reach smooth, hair-free skin. For high-quality, comfortable, and lasting hair removal, contact Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic at 1-403-253-2555 or fill out the online contact form to set up a free consultation with one of our skin care professionals.


Q: Does laser hair removal hurt?
A: Traditionally, laser hair removal can sting from heat. But to increase comfort, the laser hair removal system at Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic features integrated cooling technology. Although you may feel a prickly sensation during treatment, the advanced features of the laser should prevent you from experiencing pain or sudden heat during treatment.

Q: Is laser hair removal safe?
A: Yes, the PrimeLase used by Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic is cleared by the FDA and European CE and is suitable for all skin types. Our skin experts will also consult with you before treatment to ensure this form of laser hair removal is right for you.

Q: What areas can laser hair removal be used on?
A: Laser Hair Removal can be used on all areas of the body. Some popular treatment areas and times for treatment without preparation include:

  • Lower Legs (3 minutes each)
  • Full Legs (5-6 minutes each)
  • Arms (3 minutes)
  • Underarms (1-2 minutes)
  • Back (1-2 minutes)
  • Abdomen (1-2 minutes)
  • Face
  • Chest (1-2 minutes)
  • Feet
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