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CoolSculpting® Myths Debunked - Summer Savings June 13 - 23, 2022

CoolSculpting® Myths Debunked - Summer Savings June 13 - 23, 2022

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive treatment used to get rid of unwanted, stubborn fat from the body to create a sleek, toned look. CoolSculpting® uses a technique called cryolipolysis, which applies intense cold temperatures to fat cells to freeze them without causing any form of damage to other healthy cells. The safe technique is FDA-approved, although it does carry some health risks, as do many body contouring procedures. Because of the non-invasive nature of CoolSculpting®, this cosmetic treatment carries fewer risks than traditional liposuction. The team of professionals at Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic has been using this technique for years and we have seen the vast majority of patients love the results of their safe and effective treatment. Approach this form of body contouring with an informed understanding of what it is for and what you can expect so that you can know if CoolSculpting® is right for you. Just in time for summer, enjoy up to 25% treatments PLUS $500 Cash Back on qualified purchases through Brilliant Distinctions®!

5 Myths About CoolScuplting®

1. CoolSculpting® Is For Weight Loss
Similar to other body contouring techniques, CoolSculpting® is not intended for weight loss to be its primary use. Some areas of fat are harder to target than others and this technique is used to get rid of stubborn fat that won’t be worked off with exercise and healthy eating. People considering CoolSculpting® should be within approximately 10lbs of their goal weight and should be within that range for several months without weight fluctuation. Weight loss shrinks the fat cells in your body, and it should be noted that CoolSculpting® actually gets rid of the number of fat cells in the body. After you are within 10lbs of your weight loss goal CoolSculpting® will then help to eliminate the fat cells that remain in your area of concern. 

2. CoolSculpting® Is Painful
This non-invasive procedure may create a numbing sensation from the cold used during treatment, but it is not painful. The treatment may be mildly uncomfortable, but you should feel no pain.

3. You’ll See Instantaneous Results
Results won’t happen the moment of the treatment. Your body will need time to dispose of the fat cells and results may not be visible for anywhere between 3 and 6 months.

4. Once The Fat Is Gone, It’s Gone Forever
While it’s true that once fat cells are gone they will not regrow, that does not mean you will never see weight gain in the area you have had CoolSculpting® performed on. Other fat cells in your body can expand and lead to a similar look to your pre-treatment state. To keep your body looking the way it does after your treatment has had time to become effective, continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle with the proper diet and exercise.

5. CoolSculpting® Is For Everyone
This treatment, like many body contouring treatments, is not right for every single person. As previously mentioned, CoolSculpting® is not a weight loss treatment and it is not recommended for people who are looking for weight loss solutions. CoolSculpting® is also not recommended for anyone who has a serious medical issue such as cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, lymphedema (or other lymphatic conditions), or fibromyalgia. CoolSculpting® is also not recommended for pregnant women.

CoolSculpting® has recently suffered some bad publicity over claims of disfigurement post-treatment, but Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic wants to reassure you that CoolSculpting® is an FDA approved and safe body-contouring procedure that has been used for over 11 years. There have been more than 11 million successful treatments performed worldwide. Remember that this is a body contouring procedure and there is always some level of risk with any procedure, but rest assured that you can discuss any concerns or feelings of hesitation with the competent and experienced team and Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic.

Safe And Effective CoolSculpting® In Calgary

Do you want to know how CoolSculpting® can help you achieve the body shape you’ve always desired? If you want to get rid of stubborn areas of fat that won’t smooth out, consider CoolSculpting®. This safe and non-invasive treatment will help you get the svelte silhouette you’ve been dreaming of. To find out more about how much CoolSculpting® costs and whether it’s the right cosmetic treatment for you, visit us at Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic D267, 1600 - 90th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB. Our team of professionals at Glenmore Landing Vein Clinic will be happy to answer any of your questions and address any concerns during a free consultation. To learn more or to book your free consultation, either call 1-403-253-2555 or fill in our online contact form.

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Q: How long does a CoolSculpting® treatment take?
A: A CoolSculpting® session can take between 35 minutes up to a few hours and can require several treatments depending on the extent of the treatment, a person’s aesthetic goals, and how well the body responds to the treatment. 

Q: What parts of my body can I use CoolSculpting® on?
A: CoolSculpting® is most commonly used to contour the abdomen, chin, back, upper arms, hips, and thighs.

Q: How much fat can I expect to lose from CoolSculpting®?
A: In just 1 CoolSculpting® session, the treatment area can have up to 20% reduced fat.

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