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Are You a Good Candidate For a Belkyra™ Treatment?

Are you unhappy with stubborn chin fat? Belkyra is an innovative non-surgical cosmetic treatment that can deliver incredible results to help you look younger and feel more confident.

A double chin is a layer of fat under the chin called submental fat. It can take away from a sculpted profile and make you look older and heavier than you are. Because this layer of fat is notoriously diet and exercise resistant, it’s not as easily worked off and can be caused by a number of factors, including: 

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Posture
  • Excess weight

Luckily, there is a solution! A customized Belkyra™ treatment can help eliminate this stubborn area of fat and help you feel more comfortable and confident in your skin. 

Rejuvenate Your Appearance with Our Customized Belkyra™ Treatments 

With none of the surgical risks, extensive downtime, and high costs of cosmetic surgeries such as facelifts and liposuction, our minimally invasive anti-aging and cosmetic treatments, including Belkyra™, Botox, and CoolSculpting, give you incredible results in a short time frame, at affordable costs. 

Whatever your preferred procedure, we can create a fully customized treatment to meet all your aesthetic goals and help you look and feel your very best.

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4 Signs You Are a Good Candidate for Belkyra™ 

Belkyra™ is a popular, minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that is designed to eliminate the appearance of a double chin by eliminating submental fat. The key ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occuring substance in the body that helps break down stubborn fatty tissue.

Here are some of the signs that it might be the right treatment for you: 

  1. Your double chin is resistant to exercise and diet. Do you eat well, exercise regularly, and keep in good general health, yet still struggle with a double chin? Then Belkyra™ could be right for you! If you have tried hard to get rid of the submental fat to no avail, then talk to your skin specialist about a customized Belkyra™ treatment.
  2. You don’t want surgery. If you don’t want to undergo an invasive procedure and extensive recovery time, yet still want to eliminate your double chin, then opting for Belkyra™ could be an excellent choice. This treatment gives you excellent results without the high costs, extensive recovery time and risks associated with cosmetic surgeries.
  3. You are at a stable weight. Many patients wrongly assume that Belkyra™ is a substitute for weight loss. However, this treatment is most effective for patients who are currently at, or close to, their ideal weight, and seek to eliminate unwanted fat that remains underneath the chin.
  4. Your skin is in good condition. If you experience mild to moderate skin laxity, then this could be a good treatment for you. However, for patients who have severe laxity or sagging skin under their chin, it’s best to discuss other options with your provider.


Belkyra™ Treatments: What to Expect 

Once Belkyra™ is injected into the fat that creates a double chin, it works to gradually break down the fat cells in the treatment area. Most patients require 2-4 treatments for optimal results, although this can vary. 

What results can I expect? After your Belkyra™ treatments, you will be left with a firmer, more defined neck area without any of the downtime, healing, incisions, or stitches associated with cosmetic surgery. 

Are there any side effects? There is essentially zero downtime with this non-invasive procedure. Most patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment, although you may experience some temporary and mild swelling and bruising. This should resolve on its own within a few days. 

Contact Us

To find out more about the costs and benefits of our customized Belkyra™ treatments, and to learn how our skin specialists can help determine what cosmetic treatment will best fit your needs, contact us at (403) 253-2555 or fill in our online contact form.

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